
Showing posts from November, 2013

Work Appropriate Style; Be Your Best Professional Self

We all have to do it at some time or another. Work. Some of us may one day get to shed “the man” and work for ourselves or we may get the highest rank in our office (still owned by “the man” yet operated by you), but until that day we need to hold to standards set before by the powers that be (aka, whoever wrote your place of employment’s work manual). Here are a few tips to help you in your journey to looking professional while still maintaining a style that’s all your own. “The Man” just can’t take that away. 1           1. Be your best professional  self. OK, you have to be there-might as well smile! The number one thing you can do to look and be professional at work is the always, ALWAYS, have a good, positive attitude. This is not a reflection of where you work, who work with, who you work for, or what you do-it is, however, a reflection of you. You have a great, professional, positive attitude because of who YOU are. ...