
Showing posts from 2017

Best Books of 2017 & Book List

Hello, Beautiful!! Here is my list of 2017 Favorite Books, Standouts, and new Favorite Authors. I’ve read some really great books this year especially in the non-fiction realm. Below you will find an exhaustive list of books I’ve read this year along with ratings and quick notes. Please, let me know what books you’ve read this year and give me some suggestions for this year. Also, let me know what books you are looking forward to the release of this year.  Complete List of Books I've Read in 2017 Book Title Author Rating Out of 5 Stars Notes The Best Yes Lysa Terkheurst 4 Good Tips on Decision Making. Recommend Ready Player One Ernest Cline 4.5 Highly Recommend. This is such a great book with great characters and an action packed story Kids of Appetite* David Arnold 4 I wasn’t sure what to think of this at first, but I finished it

Advice To My Younger Self (video included)

I was inspired to do this post by a group of amazing female YouTubers who collaborated together to do these type of videos together. I thought it was a wonderful idea and I wanted to do something similar as well. I’ll have the channels of the ladies involved in that collaboration linked at the end of this post as well as my own video of the same subject. So if I could go back in time and give myself some advice it will be a LOT of stuff. My life has been quite interesting to say the least and I’ve experienced so much over the past thirty-eight years (wow, really?). Here is some of my advice to you from the things I learned a long the way. No one lives with the decisions made for you life but you so be sure you are the one who is making them. When you are old enough to start making life changing decisions, it is not wrong to disagree with your parents. You have to do what you know God has put in your heart. Be prayerful and mindful in your decisions but be sure you are the on

8 Tips for Working from Home (video)

8 Tips for Working from Home 1. Get up at around the same time everyday. 2. Get dressed and ready for the day. 3. Have a bit of a schedule-even if it's flexible. 4. Take breaks & give yourself and goal "stop" time. 5. Make plans & give yourself deadlines. 6. Never. Stop. Learning. 7. Take a vacation & schedule days off. 8. Work. Check out the description box of the video on YouTube for more links and information!  Don't forget to subscribe by email here and also on YouTube. Thanks so much for watching!

Goal Boards & Inspiration Boards

Goal Board Inspiration Board Today I want to show you two great tools you can use to help keep your goals in front of you and encourage you to accomplish them. They are Goal & Inspiration Boards. There is a difference between the two and I'm going to let you take a look at some of mine and explain how I use them. These two simple and easy as well as fun tools have helped me so much to achieve my dreams and goals since I've been using them.  Here's a little peak at my office. You will see my Inspiration Board near my desk and (not pictured) my Goal Board is a much larger board on the other wall opposite my Inspiration Board. They are always visible to me which is great because as you can see, I like to keep my things at arms reach. My Goal Board is used to keep my Yearly Resolutions, Weekly & Monthly Goals, as well as my Wellness & Business goals on. Though the Weekly/Monthly Goals change often, the Board itself gets changed out seasonall