
Showing posts from 2014

Jack the Giraffe & The Bucket List

I read this book several years ago called The 4:8 Principle  by Tommy Newberry and one of the things the author encouraged to do is to make a list of all the things you’ve ever want to do, have, or be-so I did. Me being me then divided my list into categories after I was done and now I have several lists-one of them being my “Dream To Do” list. You may have something like this already. Maybe your list is written down or maybe it’s just a list of stuff swimming through your head. Some people call their dream “to do” list their Bucket List or list of things they want to do before they kick the bucket. I’ve been fortunate enough to have been able to check off some things on my bucket list. That’s the beauty of having it written down. I recommend you write yours down and look at it often. Out of sight, out of mind is true but so is the opposite. The more you have something in your sight, the more likely you are to make it happen. Some things leave my list from time to time b...

Where We Come From

I have this awesome picture of my grandmother riding a camel in front of a pyramid. She obviously was in Egypt at the time that picture was taken. As a kid, and even when I got older, I used to love hearing her stories of visiting “The Holy Lands”, eating snake on a plane (no joke), and people at the table getting their plates taken away too soon because of the way they placed their knife on the plate during dinner. (Apparently a knife laid across the top of your dinner plate means that you've finished eating in some countries.) My grandmother was always ready for some new adventure. She loved going places and meeting new people. I was thinking about this today while sitting on my deck drinking my protein shake when I literally said out loud, “Guess that's where I get it from.” I get so bored so easily. Now I don’t mean day to day. I always can find something to do and I usually do-but just with places and routines in general. Scenery. Stuff. I realized many years ago ...

Getting Back to Abnormal after Surgery

Today Callie and I did our first 2 mile walk since last summer. It may not seem like much but it was a bit of a push when you see it in context. To put it all in perspective let’s take a look at the past several months. It all started last July on my trip to Dallas, Texas on business.  My immune system decided to poop out on me and I broke out in hives all over. By the time mid-August rolled around, my heart issues had increased to the point that I was spending most of my days and nights in bed. Many of those days I couldn’t even lift my head or sit up. Some days I would make it to the couch for a change of scenery but, once again, I couldn't hold my head up or stomach watching television because the movement on the screen made me nauseated and dizzy. It was apparent something unusual was happening since this was becoming an everyday thing. As it turned out, my pacemaker I’d had in my chest since I was 23 was on its way to dead. The energizer bunny battery inside was dying. Here...

Update and What's New!!

The view from my deck when I look up!! We haven’t been neglecting you!! I know it’s been almost a month since you got a new post on Natasha’s Pages, but I promise I haven’t been sitting around twiddling my thumbs! I’ve had my pacemaker replacement surgery (which I will talk about more on tomorrow’s post), been through a couple of weeks of recovery with that, and have been working hard on some new things for YOU. Here’s what’s new!!! The Beauty Blog  click here Ever wonder how I get those looks on my Instagram and Tumblr? This blog will show you how! This blog is full of makeup tutorials and it’s a great place for product reviews and skin care advice. Fashion & Style Blog  click here Check out the Fashion & Style Blog every single day for fashion inspiration and beautiful style. Natasha’s Pages has categories! I’m so excited about this! Now whenever you pop onto you can click on a category and check out whatever topic you are...

Don't Let Fear Keep You From Using Your Talent (Yes, You Have One!)

Matthew 25: 14-30 The Parable of the Talents 14  “For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants [ a ] and entrusted to them his property. 15  To one he gave five talents, [ b ] to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. 16  He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. 17  So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. 18  But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master's money. 19  Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them. 20  And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here I have made five talents more.’ 21  His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. [ c ] You have been faithful over a little; I will set you ove...

Wreck This Journal: Week 3

For this week's Wreck This Journal Blog I'm going to show you a some ways I chose to spin some possible negative requests. I'll also show you a more personal side to my journal. Enjoy!! Here's My Sign!!! I Learned this little acronym for H.O.P.E. recently: "Have Only Positive Expectations!" For the "Write or Draw with Your Left Hand" page, I drew this little picture my dad, who is left handed, showed me how to draw when I was a little girl! Collect Dead Bugs?? Notice the "Um, no..." Caption. I just put some stickers and drew a little lady bug! I don't believe in recording negative thoughts. They aren't healthy! So I just put in some positive phrases with some grammatically negative words like No, Not, Can't, and Never. I also don't believe in "defacing" yourself, so I decided to turn this page into a "Things I Like about Me" Page!!  For my "Sleep With t...

Called to the Mission of Blessing

1 Peter 3:8 “Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing. “ On this road of life we will meet all kinds of people-good people, questionable people, confused people, and even mean people. We have to keep in mind that though we are not responsible for how others act or treat us, we are responsible for our actions and reactions. We are responsible for how we treat others- from the first meeting to any reactions we may have in response to how they treat us. Not everyone we meet will have ill will or a negative intention toward us, but we must keep in mind that God has called us to a ministry of blessing, not cursing. When it comes to our brothers and sisters in Christ we must keep a unity of mind (which doesn’t mean we all think the same thing, just that we keep a unified goal) ...

Wreck This Journal: Week 2

I hope you guys have had some fun with your Wreck This Journal 's this week. Below are some pictures of what I've worked on. I made sure I had my Instruction pages, etc nice and doodled.... I took a different approach to the "Float This Page" page. The first time I saw it in the book I thought the little squiggles were clouds and I wondered, "How am I going to make this page float in the air?" Then I saw on instagram that others were interpreting it a little more correctly-the squiggles are supposed to be water ripples. They were floating the page in water. Not wanting to be outdone in this I went back to my original thought and made my page "float" in the air courtesy of four strings, white sewing thread, and four pins in the ceiling. I was very proud of myself for this one! The "Freeze This Page" was very easy considering the "Snowmegedan" storm we had recently. I just filled a round cake pan with water ...

The Center of Everything

When Jesus is the Center of your life, everything else falls into place & the peace that passes understanding radiates through you because you know that He is in control.  “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, not let it be fearful.” John 14:27  (ESV) When people hear about past events in my life or my health struggles they are amazed at how calm and nonchalant I am about it. Here’s why. Christ is my peace in every storm and calm. He is the reason I can hold my head high in ALL situations and rest my head in them too. His peace is permanent.   Isaiah 26:3 says that God keeps us in perfect peace when our minds are focused on Him.  May He be the Supreme Focus and Center if every area of our lives!