
Showing posts from 2015

When the People You Love Get Away from You

My cousin, Wendy, Myself, & my lil "nousin" Kylee  My friend Anna passed away last week. It was heartbreaking. She passed away of breast cancer way too young. She was one of the first friends I met in Raleigh and I remember spending time at her house eating decadent junk food such as chocolate covered strawberries and anything that would pair well with chocolate fondu and watching crazy Bollywood movies. We had our awesome Single Girls Valentine’s Day party their once. It was amazing. I liked her because she was like me. She was single, in her thirties, owned her own home, had a great career, and went skydiving often. I’ve never been skydiving and at the time I wasn’t “quite” thirty but I loved that she did all this and she didn’t care that she didn’t fit the “norm” of house, husband, kids, job, etc.  When she passed away all those memories and the laughter came flooding back. I told my mom I’d just found out she passed away. Mom asked me if she was married. I said no...

Update & What I've Been Up To

Well, guys, long time no see on this blog! I’d like to give you guys a quick update and I promise to be more consistent on here in the upcoming months. I’m just going to start by giving you a little health update-I’m doing well. The ticker is still ticking! I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since my pacemaker replacement. I’m going in for my 6 month checkup this month (the pacer gets a checkup every 6 months) and I’m looking forward to the fact that the doctor can now get all the readings from this bad boy, not just the last ten like the previous box.  With the weather getting a little better now, Callie and I have started walking and hiking again. I tell you, that first several miles were fun but hard! You really do have to build back up. Sadly, I’m not a cold weather hiker-I just can’t handle that-so every spring I have to work my way up again. I have been exercising 20-30 minutes most days of the week so I didn’t get completely out of shape though. We are living w...

Resolutions & Being More Grateful

Hey, Everyone!! I hope everyone had a great new year. This year I did made just a few little resolutions. 1. I want to write more 2. I want to eat less dairy and 3. I want to be more grateful for what I have.  Here's my Chit Chat w/ Nat Video that explains how I came to these specific resolutions and why I being more grateful can add more quality to your life. Let me know in the comments below if you've made any new year's resolutions  and what YOU are grateful for.