
Showing posts from April, 2011

For His Natasha Medina

See the Blog Below the Song... This Is the Stuff Performed by Francesca Bastistelli I lost my keys in the great unknown And call me please 'Cuz I can't find my phone This is the stuff that drives me crazy This is the stuff that's getting to me lately In the middle of my little mess I forget how big I'm blessed This is the stuff that gets under my skin But I gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing It might not be what I would choose But this is the stuff You use 45 in a 35 Sirens and fines while I'm running behind This is the stuff that drives me crazy This is the stuff that's getting to me lately In the middle of my little mess I forget how big I'm blessed This is the stuff that gets under my skin But I gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing It might not be what I would choose But this is the stuff You use So break me of impatience Conquer my frustrations I've got a new appreciation It's not the end ...

East to West

I wrote this years ago in an airplane on my way to Las Vegas for (of all things) a wedding. East to West by Natasha Ann Medina I feel so high as I look down at clouds Almost in an instant miles away from where I began From roaring ocean waves and sandy beaches To rock mountains and dusty trails Yet in the great scheme of it all In the narrowness of my mind creeps the thought You made those crashing waves, dusty roads, and Clouds over which I am soaring You made east and west, the ocean which Contains them-You made them all I never feel small except in the times of thinking When I realize I marvel at the things You’ve made Then I am mindful of how You Made me in Your own image Then I begin to feel very small For the Creator God who spoke all Creation into existence, The sun, the stars, each canyon low, each mountain high, Calls me daughter, sees me as friend Then I begin to feel high again For I am fearfully and wonderfully made In Your Own image You loved enou...

Faithful One

by Natasha Ann Medina You hold on so tight You would never let go if You could Though I fight and bite Your hands Then lick the sores You love me just the same Do I make you cry? I must so often break Your heart What's so special about me But You living in me? Undeserving of Your love You are the Faithful One. Faithful to me Unchanging Always the same You love me Never any less Impossible to love more Undeservingly so You are faithful to me I praise You I thank You So worthy of all praise When I fall You still hold me Your hands are upon all my days Your blessings Without measure Shower my life, my love, my ways With just a whisper You will deliver Faithful to me throughout all my days


Blessed by Natasha Medina I cannot be cursed For before me sounds The Shout of the King Hell’s weapons Cannot prosper against me For surrounded am I By the fiery, protective swords of angels. On each side, Before and behind, I’m shielded by angels’ wings. No dark force or evil way Can penetrate such a hiding place. The Shadow of the Almighty Is stronger than any iron wall. My God is my Fortress, Mighty, Strong, and Faithful. No foe dare turn his face this way. What shall I fear? Fear itself. For only the fear made from my head As it lies can toy with my peace. For every foe, every weapon, every enemy My Savior, for me, has shown defeat. I CANNOT be cursed. I am blessed. Hear the Almighty’s Shout, “She is Mine! Beware!”