Getting Back to Abnormal after Surgery

Today Callie and I did our first 2 mile walk since last summer. It may not seem like much but it was a bit of a push when you see it in context. To put it all in perspective let’s take a look at the past several months. It all started last July on my trip to Dallas, Texas on business. My immune system decided to poop out on me and I broke out in hives all over. By the time mid-August rolled around, my heart issues had increased to the point that I was spending most of my days and nights in bed. Many of those days I couldn’t even lift my head or sit up. Some days I would make it to the couch for a change of scenery but, once again, I couldn't hold my head up or stomach watching television because the movement on the screen made me nauseated and dizzy. It was apparent something unusual was happening since this was becoming an everyday thing. As it turned out, my pacemaker I’d had in my chest since I was 23 was on its way to dead. The energizer bunny battery inside was dying. Here...