Inspired by Pulled Muscles and Mischief
Callie under MY heating pad. Well, what’s been going on with me lately? For the past few weeks I’ve been flat on my back in bed. Having pulled a muscle in my back, I’ve been unable to sit up or anything else for that matter! It’s been me and Callie shoving each other under the covers fighting for the rights to the heating pad. To be honest, she’s had more of a social life than I in these past few weeks. She’s grown accustomed to the neighbor dog, Maeley, and has spent several hours over there many days over the past several weeks. I’m thankful for that because it was a lot of help to me and, of course, Miss Social Butterfly-aka Callie. With all this time and immobility I had to be creative to fight off the boredom. I read books, watched Netflix, browsed Pinterest, and absolutely fell in love with this man named Tom Hiddleston. You may know him best as Loki from Thor and the Avengers, but he is an incredibly talented actor and ridiculously funny human being. I’ve been wa...