
Showing posts from December, 2017

Best Books of 2017 & Book List

Hello, Beautiful!! Here is my list of 2017 Favorite Books, Standouts, and new Favorite Authors. I’ve read some really great books this year especially in the non-fiction realm. Below you will find an exhaustive list of books I’ve read this year along with ratings and quick notes. Please, let me know what books you’ve read this year and give me some suggestions for this year. Also, let me know what books you are looking forward to the release of this year.  Complete List of Books I've Read in 2017 Book Title Author Rating Out of 5 Stars Notes The Best Yes Lysa Terkheurst 4 Good Tips on Decision Making. Recommend Ready Player One Ernest Cline 4.5 Highly Recommend. This is such a great book with great characters and an action packed story Kids of Appetite* David Arnold 4 I wasn’t sure what to think of this at first, but I finished it...