December Challenge: Photo Scavenger Hunt!!

#2 and #27 Smile & Hat

The Yearly Challenges of 2012 are OVER!! November’s early to bed, early to rise campaign wasn’t a complete failure or success. Insomnia has been an issue for me for many years so it was no surprise when early to bed just didn’t want to cooperate. I must say that rising early is a great way to get stuff done though! It’s amazing how much you can get done in the morning and how early you find yourself looking for fun stuff to do when the work is done. Sadly, the habit hasn’t stuck. But each day is a new day and if I can just remind myself to get up early “today” then I’ll get it!

The List and #15 Written Words
For December I wanted to do one of those daily photo challenges but after about 1 week into December I realized I was so far behind it probably wouldn’t be a full 31 day photo collage. That’s when I saw something on (dare I say it) Piniterest-a Nature Scavenger Hunt! Perfect! I decided to mesh the photo challenge and Scavenger Hunt together that way I could still do the photo challenge for the month as well as have a little bit more fun doing it.
hmmm, what can we scavenger from over there?

#13 Books!!

The rules:
Find stuff on my list.
Take pictures of it.
The pictures had to be taken the day of the hunt.

So on New Year’s Eve, December 31st, Callie and I went on an adventure with a mission to acquire photos of at least 31 of the items on our list. I figured since there are 31 days in December that would make up to the daily photo challenge that I’d missed. Callie agreed so off we went! We bundled up and headed to one of our favorite hiking trails and got to hunting. We were able to get 31 items we set out to capture along with a few more. There are a few here on the blog, but the complete list and pictures are on our Facebook page in the Album entitled “Dec ’12 Scavenger/Photo Hunt & New Year’s”

#29 Something Funny. 2 trees grown together
Hope you enjoy!!

Want to try your own photo scavenger hunt? Let me know what you get and share photos on our facebook page!!
#9 Clouds
Perfect little (#24) heart.
#16a Something I think is a treasure  My grandmother's Bible from Israel
Is that something "smooth" over there?
#11 Black and White
#1a Something Fuzzy
#13 Books (so it's a Nook, but it holds quite a few books!!)
#26 & # 9a Something Pink and Something that makes noise
What else can we find?


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