Goal Boards & Inspiration Boards

Goal Board

Inspiration Board

Today I want to show you two great tools you can use to help keep your goals in front of you and encourage you to accomplish them. They are Goal & Inspiration Boards. There is a difference between the two and I'm going to let you take a look at some of mine and explain how I use them. These two simple and easy as well as fun tools have helped me so much to achieve my dreams and goals since I've been using them. 

Here's a little peak at my office. You will see my Inspiration Board near my desk and (not pictured) my Goal Board is a much larger board on the other wall opposite my Inspiration Board. They are always visible to me which is great because as you can see, I like to keep my things at arms reach.
My Goal Board is used to keep my Yearly Resolutions, Weekly & Monthly Goals, as well as my Wellness & Business goals on. Though the Weekly/Monthly Goals change often, the Board itself gets changed out seasonally. Many times it will also hold a Fun To Do list for that season-such as my Summer Fun To Do List pictured below. 
It's important to change the aesthetic of the boards out periodically so they don't just start to blend and fade optically into the wall over time. Ever notice how you don't notice things in your home after a period of time. Same goes with your Goals on the wall. You never want them to disappear before you've accomplished them. 
Here is my Current Updated Goal Board with my Fall Goals. This one appears to be all business and for the most part it is. I've accomplished many of the health goals that were on my previous board but I do have a reminder to Workout First Thing on the board. Pretty much everything else is in relation to my projects and business. I've been using this updated board for about a month now and I'm loving it. I have the "Post Its" up as "To Do's" with upcoming Deadlines and I remove the "Post Its" from the board as I complete them. But, first, they move from the "Projects" board to the "Weekly Goals" section as appropriate. This keeps me from getting overwhelmed about the amount of work I have to and also gives me a clear focus and plan of action each week.

The second type of board I have is more Inspirational than Goals. I have pictures of thing that, well, inspire me.This is a group of pictures I got off Pinterest that remind me to KEEP WRITING. There are antique cameras and typewriters which are two of my favorite things as well as one of my favorite quotes by Estee Lauder which states, "I never dreamed of success. I worked for it."

Then I have little things like these (pictured on each side) which are patterns and furniture styles I took pictures of while getting some ideas on decor for my home.

This little section is a favorite of mine. There are pictures of some of my favorite YouTubers who inspire me as well as picture of one of my favorite actresses and author, Felicia Day, and I when we met April 2016. To the right of the board, you'll see some clothing styles. I was wanting to update my wardrobe for the time of year and I put a couple of inspiration pieces from Pinterest up there. The center of the board is important too. It's a picture of my dogs sleeping with a journaling card which reads, "It's a Find Day to Wander." This reminds me that I need to stop and relax some too. Yes, I need to work and crush my goals but I also need some down time to rest and have fun. 

It's time to update my Inspiration Board so be sure to subscribe here by email and are following me on my social media so you can check it out when it's ready!

I hope you've enjoyed today's post and that you now understand the difference between a Goal Board and an Inspiration Board as well as how you can utilize them in your life. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below and I'll see you right here next time! Have a great day, Gorgeous!


  1. I really like your blog especially this post. I'll be definitely be using the goals board. Feel free to check my blog out @jujupage1sblog it isn't the best but I'm still learning.


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