March's Connection Challenge!!

In today’s fast paced living we’ve replaced conversations and really relating to one another with quick texts, wall posts, and the occasional email. What I discovered in last month’s challenge of writing letters and skipping the facebook was that people still crave that personal attention and care of a real connection. With friendly letter writing such a rarity it meant more to people to receive a personal handwritten note because it meant someone took an extra bit of time to really focus on them and write encouraging words, pay postage, and walk to the mail box to drop it in rather than quickly sending an electronic message while waiting in line somewhere. With this realization I have decided that March’s Challenge will take this personal attention with friends and family a bit farther.

March’s ChallengeI’m going to be actually using my phone for what is was initially invented for—phone calls! I really want to connect with people not just quickly get to the point and pop off the line a quickly as possible.
What’s this month’s “take away” practice? No fear!! Sometimes what keeps us from making connections with people we already know as well as people we want to get to know better or even meeting new people is unrealistic fear and anxiousness. The Apostle Paul in II Timothy says, “For God has not given the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” So when I am hesitant about picking up the phone to make that call I’ll ask myself, “Am I exhibiting my God-given spirit of power, love, and a sound mind?” With this reminder in tow, I believe it will be easier and easier to pick up the phone the more I do it.

Expected BenefitsRenewed and revived relationships!!
Making people day a little brighter!
I even expect it will boost my business a little because people do business with those they like, know, and trust.

Expected DifficultiesWho has anyone’s phone number anymore?

Your Challenge!!Make a list of 10 people you’d like to reach in March and see how they are doing. Call them!!
Let me know how you are doing!! Follow me here and on facebook! Happy Chatting!!


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