For His Natasha Medina

See the Blog Below the Song...
This Is the StuffPerformed by Francesca Bastistelli

I lost my keys in the great unknown
And call me please 'Cuz I can't find my phone
This is the stuff that drives me crazy
This is the stuff that's getting to me lately
In the middle of my little mess
I forget how big I'm blessed
This is the stuff that gets under my skin
But I gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing
It might not be what I would choose
But this is the stuff You use

45 in a 35
Sirens and fines while I'm running behind
This is the stuff that drives me crazy
This is the stuff that's getting to me lately
In the middle of my little mess
I forget how big I'm blessed
This is the stuff that gets under my skin
But I gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing
It might not be what I would choose
But this is the stuff You use

So break me of impatience
Conquer my frustrations
I've got a new appreciation
It's not the end of the world

This is the stuff that drives me crazy
This is the stuff
Someone save me
In the middle of my little mess
I forget how big I'm blessed
This is the stuff that gets under my skin
And I've gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing
It might not be what I would choose
But this is the stuff You use
(see for more info and to hear the song!)

For His Glory...Oh, how true that song is!!! It’s amazing to me all the “stuff” that occurs in our lives and we have to take the time to take a breath and look at it from the point of view of seeing it as an opportunity. You never know what someone else needs, is going through, what God’s trying to teach you or is preparing you for.

For instance, yesterday I woke up extremely late. I hit the alarm, hit the alarm, hit the alarm. When I finally got up and made my lunch (yes, it was THAT late. The alarm laughed at me when I set it for 8:30am again last night.) there was a knock at my door. My neighbor/assistant was standing there all timid like a scared kitten asking if I had anything for her to do in the office because she’d locked herself out of her apartment and the office wasn’t open until 2:30pm. Thank the Lord! The only truly productivity that came from my office yesterday was what she did. I felt like the more I worked the less was done! She left and I tried to do a little more work but Callie (the dog child) was whining and would not shoosh so I took her outside along with my books and laptop and thought I could just get a little work done while Callie got to play and I got to enjoy the sunshine. Well, my internal mouse wouldn’t work so I couldn’t work. With no work able to get done I sat there watching the dog play and enjoying some sun for a few minutes. I came back inside and decided I was just done for the day in the office. Besides I had to swing by a client’s house on my way to a meeting about 45 minutes away. I got all my stuff together, took care of my client, and it looked like I might just be not only on time for my meeting but early. BAM! As I was sitting at a red light another car smashed right into my SUV!! Thankfully no one was seriously hurt and I drive a tank so my damage wasn’t life shattering. Of course small car versus large tank means large tank wins. The poor lady was so apologetic and shaken up that I immediately assured her that this was the very reason why we have insurance and it’s no big deal. I also shared with her that this totally wasn’t my first accident (hopefully my last!) and I wasn’t upset. It happens. She thanked me for knowing what to do and being so pleasant about it. Well my day had gone so strangely with so many setbacks (some of my own doing-I mean a lost a few hours of productivity with my total coma sleep in) I literally drove away, made sure she wasn’t behind me, put the windows down and screamed to the top of my lungs. “Yeah, I feel better” is what I said to myself afterwards. I went through my meeting with soreness and a little pain but that’s ok. Walking a little stiffer never really hurt anyone (at least I don’t think so). After the meeting I got home and found out that a relative had lost her job of 12 years. Well, isn’t that just a pickle! But I am so thankful that each morning God’s mercies are new!

This morning I woke up at a descent time! To top it off there was a message on my voicemail telling me my tank would be cared for and thank you so much again for being so kind. I feel my relative will now be able to take some much needed time for herself and I have faith that God will give her the employment most fitted to her and His glory. My neighbor who just recently quit her full time job and is now a freelance writer full time got to ask and learn some things about being your own boss and working from home.
The point is: you just never know. God can and will use anything in your life to bring glory to His Name. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good for them who love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” Not everything that happens to us is good, but God can use for our good. Maybe my neighbor was drowning in how to focus her business, maybe the lady who hit me really needed interaction with a kind human being, maybe it wasn’t necessary for me to be quite so animated or mobile in my meeting, and maybe my relative needs to be in a place that is more convenient to her home with hours that aren’t so long. I don’t know that we’ll ever know just why everything that happens on this earth happens. Sometimes God lets us take a look back and it blaringly obvious. All I know is that everything, anything, all of it is so that we can help someone else, learn from it, grow from it, and bring Glory to God from it. When we see that, when we really see that we can have confidence in our lives and live fearlessly in the knowledge that no matter what happens something powerfully positive can come from it. Tomorrow is another day. I love it! We get a new canvas with which to paint our lives.

So tonight if your alarm clock laughs at you when you set it, laugh back and say, “I’ll show you!”


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