God of Excellence by Natasha Medina

I don’t serve a mediocre God therefore I am not a mediocre child. The Bibles says in II Timothy 1:7 “For God has not give us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Think about for such a second. Meditate on it. Meditation is simply focused thinking. Focus your thinking on each of those words and what they mean. Fear. Power. Love. A Sound Mind. The Message paraphrase puts it this way “God doesn’t want us to be shy with His gifts, but bold, and loving, and sensible.” The English Standard version uses the word “self-control” instead of a “sound mind.” The New International version uses “self-discipline” in its stead. God has given us these gifts.

What God has NOT given us is fear. It’s been said that 90% of what we fear in life (maybe higher) never actually happen. We fear invisible things, made up things, imaginary things, things of the past. There are all kinds of fears. We have not been given this fear and God does not intend for you to live in it. I John 4:18 reads “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment….” (NIV) So why live in fear and punish yourself when you’ve been given 3 powerful, potent gifts!?!

Power. Love. A Sound Mind/Sensibility/Self-control/Self-Discipline. These are the gifts and tools God has given you to break out of that mediocre life you were never intended to live. The only thing standing in your way is you! That may seem easy to say and hard to put into sensible practice-but I’ve lived it and its true. Remember you have power and love and a sound mind. God didn’t put you hear to live in fear and punishment. He put you here to bring Glory to His Name and fulfill His purpose. Many people will never fulfill God’s purpose for their lives simply because they believe they can’t. Make up your mind today to put God’s purposes in action in your life. You can. He has given you everything you need already!


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