Find the Joy in Each Step You Take

My reading today comes from Proverbs 3:1-8 but my focus Scripture is verse 6 which states, "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." (ESV, underline mine)

Ever wonder what to do next? Ever kind of know where you want to be but don't know how to get there? I've been there. But I've found that when I acknowledge God and ask for His direction, He clear up that path to the destination right up. I don't have worry about it, I just follow the "lamp unto my feet,...light unto my path." (Psalm 119) The Bible doesn't promise a huge flood light so we can see the whole road or all the land beyond us, just a lamp unto my feet, light unto my path. He gives us direction, we step into it-one step and at a time. Many times the destination He leads me to is a much better one than I could ever have dreamed. (Ephesians 3:20) They key is to fall in love with the journey. I've heard that you'll never have success until you fall in love with the process. It's the moments of stepping in the light just before you that you meet those special people that will become near and dear to your heart, experience those unexpected fun times, and learn those much needed lessons.

Take time each day to ask God to light your path and open your eyes to the joy in each and every step!


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