Wreck This Journal: Week 1

Yes, this IS part of the project.

For the past few weeks I’ve been working on a fun little project more commonly known as the Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith. I first heard about this project book from watching one of my favorite YouTubers, Bunny Meyers (also known as Grav3yardgirl-link down below). She is doing the book along with her viewers via YouTube video.  I, of course, had to do this as well. I’m having so much fun. 

So what is the Wreck This Journal? Glad you asked. The Wreck This Journal is a journal that is literally meant to be destroyed by the time you are done with it. Within the pages of the book you are prompted to do little art projects, save random objects, collect weird things, do odd things with the pages/book, and to carry the journal everywhere you go. You never know when inspiration will strike! 

What’s the purpose? Well, the purpose can be many things. The way I see it is it’s a way to be creative, even in childlike ways, or make you think different thoughts about seemingly ordinary things. For instance, there is a page where you collect the stickers off fruit you have purchased and apparently I eat a lot of bananas! Don’t even get me started on the “Float This Page” page which I will discuss in the weeks to come. The other cool thing about is being able to see how differently other people see and interpret the very same instructions that you get. You can Google images of others’ journals by simply typing in “Wreck This Journal” or check out the #wreckthisjournal hashtag on Instagram. These kids (and, eh hem, adults) are so talented! 

With life being more and more complicated and complex I love being able to have a project to work on that is more artistic and focused in its nature. I had a blast shopping for supplies as well as actually filling the pages (which I’m still working on). I mean when else am I going to have an excuse to sew buttons to a book? Um, probably NEVER! 

I’d love for you to join me on this journey. You can get the “Wreck This Journal” from many places including Barnes & Noble and Amazon. As you work on your pages take pictures and post them to Instagram with the hashtag #winat (stands for Wreck It Nat). You can also hashtag #wreckthisjournal and #wtjsf (Bunny’s Wreck This Journal Swamp Family). I’d love to see your work! Here are a few of the pages I’ve worked on already. 

Have fun wrecking your journals and see you next week!

For this page, I bought some of Ryan's favorite candies and wrapped 'em up

Daisy Chains!!

Fill entire page with circles? Don't mind if I do!!

Doodling on the front cover is an actual project.

I used to tape, flags, posted notes, and even traced real office supplies for this page

A perfect example of how much bananas I eat. Only about 2 in each bunch actually have a sticker on them.

I got a little creative with my pencil rubbings

So lots of people you'll see are great artists and can draw such beautiful pictures all through their journals. I'm not much of a picture drawing artist, but I can do a geometric shape or pattern like nobody's business!!
After punching holes, I colored around them :-)

  Visit Bunny's YouTube Channel, Grav3yardgirl
Oh, get your mind out of the gutter! This page IS full of four-lettered words, but none of them are dirty. Well, except D-I-R-T.


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